English for Children

Momo Monkey

Koby Koala


Qkids English Stories are unparalleled!
Stories play an irreplaceable role in every child's growth and personal development. The books they read and the characters they encounter through different scenarios allow them to relate emotions and concepts to their real-life experiences and increase their imagination. They perceive that books are the reference of their own knowledge, and when they want to go deeper on any subject, their consciousness directs them to open the cover of the book. Reading also allows children to develop their language infrastructure as well as their self-confidence, cope with emotions and gain a code of resilience.
Build self-confidence!
Having good reading skills in young individuals helps them develop self-confidence earlier, which can lead to development in relevant characteristic areas. Scientific studies have proven that children with better reading skills perform better in schools and also have better signals of social status than their peers in the classroom, which subsequently reflects on other social skills and provides them with sufficient self-confidence to find the right route in life.
Stories are a safe way to show children what people's lives are like, where they live, that they know about global issues, and that they are aware of differences in international standards.

Building self-confidence through role-models!

Learning and Language Experience
English Stories for Kids are a great way to introduce new words, terminology and ideas to a child's own language, starting with animated stories for the very young and progressing to more complex contexts for the younger ages. English stories can help children learn situations and concepts such as shape, size, meaning, fullness, space, speed and color, high and low, hot or hot, up and down, inside and outside, quantity and names of objects. They can also teach children identifiable daily routines, such as tidying their room, brushing their teeth, being good to animals, personal care, and simple meal preparation.
English Stories for Kids are also useful for getting children familiar with more complex ideas such as the importance of helping each other, cooperation and the value of time, participation with others and social skills. In child psychology, it is very common to use stories and relate to recognizable characters through stories when trying to explain traumatic events such as natural disasters, family problems, or other unexpected situations.
English Fiction stories based on real life can also help children with their own life experiences and positioning; It shows them how different the world is and how the lives of some societies are very different from their own life routines.
What's so impressive about learning English through stories is that the process is carried out naturally. There is no real or artificial teaching involved; they learn simply by reading and contextualizing events in the natural environment.
Qkids English Sample Story
Qkids English has a level-based story inventory based on Qkids cute characters that your children will be interested in and directly engage with, within interesting scenarios. Let your children learn languages permanently through Qkids compelling stories.

Qkids stories are more than interesting scenarios.
English stories for kids on Qkids Interactive Learning Platform not only consist of well-marked content, but are also designed to reinforce the context of learning through the academic curriculum.
The grammatical structure and preferred vocabulary used in the stories refer only to the imparted teachings, which students have the opportunity to repeat and benefit from contextual learning.
Qkids Story Books

Qkids customized library is a highlight of the interactive learning platform; These are books consisting of interesting children's stories suitable for your child's level. Qkids English books strengthen your child's language learning ability and create enthusiasm with engaging pictures and thought-provoking scenarios.
If you're ready to invite your child to take the first step into the world of Qkids English stories, don't forget to access books at the appropriate level through the Qkids English Placement Test!

Reach the right book level with the Qkids Level Test!
Qkids English Interactive Learning Platform's Placement Test is designed to help you as a parent choose the best books that will help your child get motivated to read more and gradually develop the reading habit. Qkids English Stories for Children is suitable for children aged approximately 3-12 years.
Sometimes it can be difficult for a parent or teacher to know exactly what level your child is at; Therefore, the purpose-built test is designed to quickly analyze the level of books best suited to your child. Once you have diagnosed the appropriate level for your child, you can explore a variety of resources that are appropriate and helpful for him/her.
